May 01, 2015


This Side of Creation is the companion blog for ODE. It covers a variety of topics including the history, the diversity, the culture, the music, the food, the art and the craft of Africa and Diaspora.



Week in Review... April 27 - May 2


Follow... @bydvnlln on Instagram for real images, the good, the bad and the ugly, from Baltimore and Freddie Gray protests. Baltimore native Devin Allen's photos have spread like wild fire with one photo appearing on the cover of TIME Magazine.

Wear... the "And Counting Collection" from Glossrags. The collection features tees and sweatshirts highlighting the names of men, women and children who were killed by police violence. Glossrags specializes in creating one-off, limited edition designs that provide some sort of social commentary on issues at play within the world, be they social justice, institutions or popular culture.

Protest... injustice in creative ways. Never 21, an activist group in NYC staged a live demonstration where they dressed the window mannequins with "Black Lives Matter: Never 21" t-shirts and displayed a banner across the storefront.  

Watch... An excerpt from Angela Davis's 1972 prison interview that explains the violence in Baltimore. 

Listen... to Nina Simone's Baltimore.

*Photo by Devin Allen (@bydvnlln on Instagram) 

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