March 28, 2015


This Side of Creation is the companion blog for ODE. It covers a variety of topics including the history, the diversity, the culture, the music, the food, the art and the craft of Africa and Diaspora.



Coming up Roses: Skincare Recipe From FLO + THEO


Traveling can wreak havoc on your skin. I like to spritz a facial spray periodically to freshen up during a long flight. Rose water not only smells great but it has so many beneficial uses for your skin. It has astringent properties, tones, tightens and moisturizes. It is the perfect primer under creams and lotions. It also sets your make up giving you a youthful and dewy complexion. The ladies of FLO + THEO have given us an easy recipe to make our own rose water toner at home.

Rose Water Toner


  • 2 roses (rinsed and preferably organic) 
  • 2 cups of boiling water


  • 1 saucepan
  • 1 strainer 
  • 1 sterilized glass container
  • 1 spray bottle


Pick rose petals from the rose and place in the pan. Pour the cups of boiling water over the petals and cover the pan. Allow the rose petals and water to infuse for 1-2 hours. Strain the mixture and transfer to either sterilized glass container or bottle. Store in the fridge for up to a week. To use, apply the toner with cotton until the cotton is clean or lightly spray on face to refresh your skin.


*Tea rose petals image via 
*Rose Water Toner image via


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